Victorian Science Fiction Wants List


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"Victorian Science Fiction",VSF or "Science Romance"

From time to time and forum to forum the question as to what figures might be of interest arises.
This page is my answer to this question.

Victorian Science Fiction Wants List


Historical Figures
Fictional Figures
Historical Vehicles and Equipment
Fictional Vehicles and Equipment
Available Figure
Colonial Period Figure Wanted:.

Netherlands in Indonesia: Dutch and Natives (Malay and others)

Portuguese in Africa: Portuguese, Askari, Ally, Tribals

Belgian Congo (free state): Belgian, Askari, Tribals, Arabs

Germans in:

Africa: Schutzzen, Askari, Ally?, Heraros, Hottentot,
Pacific Samoa: German navy, marines, constabulary, Samoans

British in:

Burma: UK, India, ally?,Burma, tribals
New Zealand: UK, Police, Civilians, Ally, Moari

Russians in:

Asia: Russians, Cossacks, Pathan, Mongols, China, Japan
Alaska: Russians, Eskimos, NW Indians

United States in:

Philippines: USA, Askari, Spain, Filipinos, Moros
Korea 1871: USA, Koreans

France in:

Sub-Sahara Africa: FFL, Senegalese Tirailleurs, laptots (African french sailors), Tribals
Dahomey: FFL, Amazons, Tribals
French-Indo China: FFL, Tonkinese Tirailleurs, Animite Tirailleurs, Viet natives, Chinese, Flagmen

Spain in:

Cuba: Spain, Cuban militia, Cuban rebels, USA
Philippines: Spain, Filippinos, Moros, USA
Morocco: Spain, SFL, Arabs

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VSF Figure Wanted:.

Hunters with historic hunting guns (H&K Express, etc.)
Hunters with fantastic guns, longer, larger bore, multi barrel
Hunters with SciFi weapons, RayGuns,
Hunters, as above female (please not with fantasy bodies, realistic features preferred)
Explorers, some with sextets, surveying equipment, Cameras (male and female)
Scientists, Like explorers but more fantastic gear
Mechanics and Engineers with tools
Native porters
Uniformed female soldiers, Zouaves, Sun Helmets, see Canadian Amazon corps
Cavalry sold without mounts (see mounts below)
Fantastic deep sea divers, armed with advanced spear guns, tridents (as for cap. Nemo)
German Texas soldiers
German Comanche Indian Askari
American Indian Artillery crew
Rocket pack (or other flying types) for each power


Type One: Try and match overall style and size of Black Raven Foundry "High Elves"
Equip with 1890's guns, some with Winchesters, Revolvers.
Equip with matchlock guns like Arab Jezail.
Equip with "shield gun" (may be copyright issues with this)
Equip with ray guns
Same size and stature as above but dressed in Earth designed "Askari" uniforms
Type Two: Classic War of the Worlds cephalopod type
Equip with ray guns
Equip strange instruments
Equip with gas tank (mask?) gas projector
Type Three: Warlord of Mars four armed type. (see peter pig)
Equip with 1890's guns, some with Winchesters, Revolvers.
Equip with matchlock guns like Arab Jezail.
Equip with ray guns


Large Lizard men or Crocodile men the size and style of Black Raven Foundry "Lizard men"
Equip with 1890's guns, some with Winchesters, Revolvers.
Same size and stature as above but dressed in Earth designed "Askari" uniforms


Type One: Small "goblin" looking men, see Space 1889 sources
Primitives with spiky fish head helmets with bows, swords, spears
Advanced with Fez and "lightning rifles" ray guns
Type Two: Human sized insect men, "Selenites" walking on two legs
Large brained leaders
Small brained soldiers armed with spears
Small brained soldiers armed with ray guns

Deepones, meremen:

Fish like men of approximately human size (creature of black lagoon)
Unarmed claws
Armed with spears, tridents

Hive war insect army, walk on six legs, use no weapons, many different sizes some horse sized

Walking creatures
Flying creatures
Emerging from soil

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Colonial Period Vehicles and Equipment Wanted:.

Tiny ponies (Burmese, central Asia, Mexico)
Small Asses
Light Horse
Heavy Horse
Camels one hump and two humps

Daft and Pack animals:

Dog: pack, sleigh, cart
Donkey 36" to 40" at withers (shoulders)
Jack Donkey 40" - 56"
Mule 40" -48"
Saddle Mule about 54"
Pack Mule 1000 lbs
Work Mule 900-1300 lbs
Daft Mule 60" and 1200 lbs or more
Draft Horses, Belgians and Percheron 64" or taller
Oxen (red) 1100 - 1800 lbs, (brown) up to 2400 lbs
Camels one hump and two hump
Elephant (Indian)
Llamas: With packs and unladen.

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VSF Vehicles and Equipment Wanted:.

Two legged Goat like thing (TanTan)
Related four legged thing
Two legged lizard/Dino
Four legged Lizard/Dino

Daft and Pack animals:

Fantastic: two and four legged mammals and reptilians


Fantastic deck fixtures, control panels, deck guns, sensing equipment, Gas Cylinders

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Available Figure:.

To review available figure:
Buying Guide to 15mm and 18mm Victorian Figures
Buying Guide to 15mm and 18mm Victorian Science Fiction Figures

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I hope to be able to add more latter.

Thank you for looking:

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