DyeHard's Wargame Terrain

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A Jungle Plant

Not all project need to star with exotic materials.

This simple project starts with the lowly twist-tie. These can be had at most grocery stores to aid in closing bags of produce. With some shopping about I found this nice green model with a paper body. Through the center of the twist-tie is a soft iron wire. Looking at it, the green and central ridge reminded me of a leaf, all be it a very long one.

For this project I cut the twist-tie into a sequence of every shorter section. This consumed about one half of the original twist-tie. Talk about savings! not only is the starting material free you don't even use a whole one to make your model.

Now trim each end to a rough point. It is best to cut each with a slight outward curve. This will enhance the natural look of the leaves.

Now using a needle pock a small hole through the paper of each part near the center of each. Place two holes on the shortest section, one on each side of the central wire.

Taking a length of thin floral wire form a small hook at one end. One could even strip the paper off the remaining half of the twist-tie for this, but it is more work then it is worth. A supple of floral wire is good to have on hand. It is available for craft stores.

Now thread the section onto the wire so that the shortest it nearest the hook and the rest are increasing in size.

Give each section a curve as shown above. A rise from the center and then falling off as you move outward.

Place a small drop of tacky glue (PVA) between each section right on the wire. Work the section towards the hook. The smallest section should have the wire pass through both holes on each side of the central ridge of the twist-tie. (I am sorry this can not be seen in this photo. I will try and collect a better photo soon).

Now paint the exposed edges and any wire that is exposed with some bright green paint.

This close up shows the stem wire as it passes through both holes of the top most section and the still wet paint use to cover any exposed wire and the cut edges of the twist-tie sections.

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I hope to be able to add more latter.

Thank you for looking:


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